Saturday, May 25, 2013

Monsters in the house

I now know why I have a herding dog... and one that is exercised like crazy. There are days like today when I feel as though I'm loosing my mind. The reason being, is that as of late I've learned the definition of two words - needy and affectionate. Here are the definitions I found that seemed so very true to the words...

Needy - Wanting or needing affection, attention, or reassurance, especially to an excessive degree.

Affectionate - Having or showing fond feelings or affection; loving and tender.

Until now, Rusty has been what I would consider affectionate. Very loyal, loves to snuggle, needs a pat on the head every now and again. More often than not, time spent together has been as important to him as petting and loving on. So, out to do agility, biking, a walk, or a cuddle on the couch. I love that he lays right beside me or on my feet. But since he broke his foot...

 A Monster has come out!!!

He's no longer affectionate. He's very needy. Instead of a walk (since he can't go out for one) he wants me to pet him - constantly. He cries at my from his pillow begging me to be near. I understand! He's lonely, and he hates being down. But his affection need levels have sky rocketed so badly, that I want nothing more than to keep him on his pillow, on the floor, quiet, and invisible.

Anyone who knows me should know that I constantly talk to and love on my dog. There's no "poor Rusty" in this house! My job now is to figure out a way to give him the affection he needs while maintaining my own sanity. Not an easy job. It's much easier to just holler at him to be quiet and ignore him, but I can't do that. Those big brown eyes know that I'm a sucker! I love that dog to pieces and he knows that. So, on to filling his needs and mine at the same time.

About Me

As a trainer and owner of C.O.R.E. Canines ( I enjoy using the most recent positive reinforcement techniques to train my own dogs as well as my students dogs. I love writing, especially when it has to do with dogs! I have a passion for doing all things fun with my two amazing pups. My Australian Shepherd, Rusty - 7 year old, tri color boy. He currently has 16 agility titles. My Border Collie, Lyric - 2 year old black and white girl, known as "Wicked" in agility because of her crazy passion, and "Rikki" in therapy as a sweet snuggle bug.