Thursday, September 20, 2012

Introducing La Bamba

Wow, my first blog, my first post.

The name for this blog was the hardest thing to come up with - when I came up with "Dancing With La Bamba" I knew it was perfect. It encompasses much of what I want this blog to be about: my journey with the most amazing first dog I could ever have. Dancing with La Bamba is the story of two intertwined lives: the ups and downs and glorious moments that Rusty and I share.

Now it's time to introduce the namesake of this blog - Dekor La Bamba.

My life with Rusty has been wonderful so far, he fills so many roles in my life.

 From most adorable bundle of joy:

To agility partner:

To Comic:

To playmate:

To hiking partner:

To the best photography subject:

But most of all,
Best Friend.

                  Rusty and I have been through a lot. Poor guy, most of his training has been trial and error. But, it hasn't diminished the special bond we share - he still follows me around the house, sleeps at my feet, and goes berserk when I come home whether I've been gone for 7 hours or only 15 minutes. 

        I hope that the training insight that I share might be of use, so that others don't make the same mistakes I did. I also hope it encourages. We've had a rough road that was worth it in the end. And we still have a long road of fun ahead of us!   

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About Me

As a trainer and owner of C.O.R.E. Canines ( I enjoy using the most recent positive reinforcement techniques to train my own dogs as well as my students dogs. I love writing, especially when it has to do with dogs! I have a passion for doing all things fun with my two amazing pups. My Australian Shepherd, Rusty - 7 year old, tri color boy. He currently has 16 agility titles. My Border Collie, Lyric - 2 year old black and white girl, known as "Wicked" in agility because of her crazy passion, and "Rikki" in therapy as a sweet snuggle bug.